ChengYu: 自食其果 Meaning
Check out what the Chinese idiom "自食其果" means and how to use it in a sentence! Zi Shi Qi Guo when translated means "karma" or "you reap what you sow."
Check out what the Chinese idiom "二分明月" means and how to use it in a sentence. Loosely translated, it means "two parts of a bright moons" It is used to describe prosperity.
Check out what the Chinese idiom "自食其果" means and how to use it in a sentence! Zi Shi Qi Guo when translated means "karma" or "you reap what you sow."
Check out what the Chinese idiom "三生有幸" means and how to use it in a sentence! San Sheng You Xing when literally translated means blessing in three...
The meaning of the Chinese idiom, "一事无成" is used to describe failures. For example, someone who has been at the same job for years and has no...