ChengYu: 井底之蛙 Meaning
Check out what the Chinese idiom "井底之蛙" means and how to use it in a sentence. It‘s a fable called "the frog in the well."
Check out what the Chinese idiom "东施效颦" means and how to use it in a sentence. It has to do to with blindly following others.
Check out what the Chinese idiom "井底之蛙" means and how to use it in a sentence. It‘s a fable called "the frog in the well."
Check out what the Chinese idiom "十面埋伏" means and how to use it in a sentence. It was also the title of a popular Chinese film by Zhang YiMou, "House...
Check out the meaning of the Chinese idiom, "一木难支!" We take a look at the origins behind this chengyu, along with how to use it in a sentence!