Welcome to our second course of the most common verbs in Chinese. If you are new here and want to have a look at the first course about essential verbs in Mandarin, click here.
For our readers who have finished studying the first part, here are 10 new verbs for you with sample sentences with characters, pinyin, explanation and English translation.
吃 chī - To eat
xiǎopéngyǒu hěn xǐhuān chī tiándiǎn
[小朋友 Children] [很 very] [喜欢 like] [吃 eat] [甜食 desserts]
Children like to eat desserts

wǒ chī le hěn měiwèi de xiǎolóngbāo
[我 I] [吃 eat] [了 completed action marker] [很 very] [美味 delicious] [的 possessive particle] [小笼包 steamed dumplings]
I ate a lot of delicious steamed dumplings
nǐ zǎocān píngchǎng chī shénme?
[你 you] [早餐 breakfast] [平常 usually] [吃 eat] [什么 what]
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
喝 hē - To drink
wǒmen zuótiān zài jiǔba hē liǎng bēi píjiǔ
[我们 we] [昨天 yesterday] [在 at] [酒吧 bar] [喝 drink] [两 two] [杯 glasses] [啤酒 beer]
Yesterday, we drank two beers at the bar
tā gāng hē le yī bēi níngméng hóngchá
[他 he] [刚 just] [喝 drink] [了 completed action marker] [一 one] [杯 glass] [柠檬 lemon] [红茶 black tea]
He just drank a cup of lemon back tea
hěn dūo zhōnggúorén xǐhuān hē rèshǔi
[很多 a lot of] [中国人 Chinese people] [喜欢 like] [喝 drink] [热水 hot water]
A lot of Chinese people like to drink hot water
学 xué - To study/learn
wǒ de māma xiǎng xué xībānyáyǔ
[我的 My] [妈妈 mom] [想 would like/want] [学 study] [西班牙语 Spanish language]
My mom wants to learn Spanish.
xué xiě hànzì hěn nán
[学 learn] [写 write] [汉字 Chinese characters] [很 very] [难 complicated]
Studying how to write Chinese characters is complicated

Xiǎomíng xiǎng xué tán gāngqín
[小明 Xiaoming, a name] [想 would like/want] [学 learn] [弹钢琴 play the piano]
Xiaoming wants to learn how to play the piano
爱 ài - To love
tā zhēnde ài zìjǐ de xiǎohái
[她 she] [真 really] [爱 love] [她的 her] [小孩 child/children]
She truly loves her child/children
wǒ ài kàn kēhuàn diànyǐng
[我 I] [爱 love] [看 look] [科幻 fiction] [电影 movie]
I love watching fiction movies
hěnduō rén dōu ài qù gōngyúan sànbù
[很多 a lot of] [人 people] [都 all] [爱 love] [去 go] [公园 park] [散步 take a walk]
A lot of people love to go to the park to take a walk
做 zùo - To do
nǐ zhōumò dōu zài zùo shènme?
[你 you] [这个周末 weekend] [打算 plan] [做 do] [什么 what]
What do you plan to do this weekend?
wǒ de nǎinai zuò le bǐnggān gěi wǒ chī
[我的 my] [奶奶 grandma] [做 do/make] [了 completed action marker] [饼干 biscuit/cookie] [给 give] [我 me] [吃 eat]
My grandma made cookies for me.

nǐ de bàba zuò shénme gōngzuò
[你的 your] [爸爸 dad] [做 do] [什么 what] [工作 work]
What is your dad’s job? / What does he do?
叫jiào – To call
nǐ qù jiào dìdi qǐchuáng
[你 you] [去 go] [叫 call] [弟弟 little brother] [起床 wake up]
Go wake up your little brother
wǒ de tóngxué jiào wǒ chángjǐnglù,yīnwei wǒ hěn gāo
[我的 my] [同学 classmate] [都 all] [叫 call] [我me] [长颈鹿 giraffe],[因为 because] [我 I] [很 very] [高 tall]
My classmates call me giraffe because I am tall
zhè gè nánshēng hěn shuài,tā jiào shénme míngzi?
[这 this] [个 measure word] [男生 man] [很 very] [帅 handsome] , [他 he] [叫 call] [什么 what] [名字 name]
This man is handsome, what is his name?
开 kāi - To open
gébì de zǎocān diàn kāi dào shíèr diǎn
[隔壁 next door] [的 possessive particle] [早餐 breakfast] [店 store] [开 open] [到 until ] [12点 twelve o’clock]
The breakfast shop next door open until 12 o’clock
nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ kāi mén ma?
[你 you] [可以 can] [帮 help] [我 me] [开 open] [门 door] [吗 question particle for “yes-no” question]
Can you help me open the door?
chūntiān zhōngyú lái le,huā dōu kāi le
[春天 spring] [终于 finally] [来 come] [了 completed action marker] ,[花 flower] [都 all] [开 open] [了 completes action marker]
Spring has come, flowers are all blooming
听 tīng - To listen
wǒ xǐhuān tīng zhè shǒu gē
[我 I] [喜欢 like] [听 listen] [这 this] [首 measure word] [歌 song]
I like to listen to this song

zài xuéxiào yào tīng lǎoshī jiǎng de huà
[在 at] [学校 school] [要 must] [听 listen] [老师 teacher] [讲 speak] [的 possessive particle] [话 word/talk]
At school, (students) must listen to what the teachers are saying
tīng shēngyīn bú xiàng tā
[听 listen] [声音 voice] [不 negative particle] [像 be like] [他 him]
The voice didn’t sound like him
能 néng - Can / To be able to
ànmó néng xiāochú píláo
[按摩 massage] [能 can] [消除 eliminate] [疲劳 fatigue]
Massage can eliminate fatigue
nǐ néng bāng wǒ diū lājī ma?
[你 you] [能 can] [帮 help] [我 me] [丢 throw] [垃圾 trash] [吗question particle for “yes-no” question]
Can you help me take out the trash?
wèichéngniángrén bù néng hē jiǔ
[未成年人 minor] [不 negative prefix] [能 can] [喝 drink] [酒 alcohol]
Minor can’t drink alcohol
>> Know the difference between 能néng, 可以kě yǐ, 會huì
想 xiǎng - To think / To wish / Would like to / To miss
Xiǎomíng jīntīan wǎnshàng xiǎng chī huǒguō
[小明 Xiaoming, a name] [今天 today] [晚餐 evening] [想 would like to] [吃 eat] [火锅 hotpot]
Xiaoming would like to eat hotpot tonight
ràng wǒ xiǎngyīxiǎng
[让 let] [我 me] [想一想 think twice]
Let me think it over .

wǒ hěn xiǎng nǐ
[我 I] [很 very] [想 miss] [你 you]
I miss you a lot
As we advised you on the last course, try to learn the examples by pronouncing then and writing them down. If you want to practice your Mandarin it with a real Chinese teacher, try our free online class by signing up just below.