Homeschooling parents offer their children a brand new learning environment with customized course curriculum and outdoor activities. However, there is one challenge they often have to face: teaching a language they haven’t mastered themselves. If you want to have your child learning Mandarin Chinese, you are in the right place.
In this article, we’ll first have a review on the homeschooling trend, the reasons why it is becoming more popular year after year, and how to take the challenge of having your child master Mandarin.

Homeschooling is legal in many countries around the world, and statistics show a slight increase in the number of homeschooling students in recent years. Countries ranking in the top 6 are: the US (with around 2,3 million students studying at home 1), India (with a large, broad range estimated between 0,5 to 2,7 million 2), Russia (between 50,000 to 100,000 ), South Africa (between 30,000 to 100,000 3), the UK (between 20,000 to 100,000 4) and Australia (around 15,000 5)
With more and more parents considering homeschooling for their kids, these figures are expected to continue rising.
In the US, this traditional educational practice may become the fastest-growing form of education. In addition to the current 2,3 million homeschooled students, 3,4 million or more American adults experienced home-based education of an average 6 to 8 years.
3 Main Reasons Why Parents Choose Home-Based Education for Their Children
According to the last National Household Education Survey, there are 3 main reasons why parents homeschool their kids.
-Negative environment of institutional schools

Bullying can have a huge impact on children’s mental health and well-being, kids can be reluctant to talk, and it’s not always an easy topic to discuss. Teachers can sometimes dismiss incidents where students steal food or money, inflict physical/psychological harm or threaten their classmates. By creating a new social group experience and removing bullies from their children’s lives, parents can have better control over their children’s environment.
-Give children a higher quality of education
Homeschooling allows parents to focus on their child’s strengths and weaknesses to help them move forward at their own pace. In addition, the stress over the volume of homework and information to memorize in a short term is reduced, and homeschooled students can feel more confident in their learning.
According to the National Home Education Research Institute, home-educated students score 15% to 30% better than public-school ones on standardized academic achievement tests, regarding their parents’ level of formal education or household income, and are also increasingly enrolling in college.
-Provide a customized course curriculum
By homeschooling their kids, parents are able to transform the course curriculum for their children and make the world their new classroom. They can for example make them participate in more outdoor activities as part of their daily learning, such as visiting museums, parks, historical sites, or community service.
This not only improves emotional and psychological development in children but also strengthens family connections and develop a strong sense of civic responsibility.
How can HOMESCHOOLING students learn Mandarin Chinese?

Although homeschooling has a lot of advantages, learning a foreign language like Mandarin can be challenging.
In TutorABC Chinese, we provide one-to-one or small group (max. 3 students) online Chinese classes for K-12 students with certified and experienced Chinese-native speakers. Our Chinese classes are designed to give students systematic training in four aspects of Chinese language: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
We evaluate the student’s level during the first class and discuss with them to understand their needs and create customized teaching materials. Parents get to choose when to take the class, which gives them a lot of freedom in the organization of their child’s class schedule. In case of a program change, parents can cancel the class 4 hours before it begins. In addition, a 24hr IT service is provided if any technical issue happens.
If you have an interest in having your child learning Mandarin, click below and try our free demo online Chinese class.